How to Survive Christmas

No, I am not Grinch coming to steal your Christmas. I love it, somehow. OK, maybe LOVE is a very strong word, but nevertheless, I like it. Sometimes. Whaaat?! At least I am not like my friend who told me that “Christmas is the worst part of the year. It comes to you and it starts throwing s**t in your face: you don’t have a boyfriend yet, you have no idea what to do with your life, you’re poor, you’re going to gain weight with all this food. And since we have already learned how to be smart and how to pick up chicks, let me tell you 5 tips on how to survive Christmas and get clean out of it.  Continue reading

How to impress people who will not be impressed

Do you know that crush of yours, who doesn’t even know your name, or even worse, that you’re alive? Or that teacher who calls you „the one with the weird hair”? Or your boss who doesn’t know your name, or that you’re working for him, and keeps telling you to „move the damn chair”? Well, all of the above are people who will not be impressed, but whom you should impress! Make them know your name, make them believe you are the most awesome human being that ever walked on this earth. Make them put your face on that name they don’t know yet!

Because I’m a good girl, I will now walk with you the 5 steps to impress the bastards that refuse to do so. Keep close and pay attention, ’cause it might be a bumpy ride. Continue reading

Free lessons on laughter and other freebies

Have you ever wanted to know how to speak a foreign language FLUENTLY in the shortest amount of time possible? Now it’s all POSSIBLE. Learn how to speak Irony and Sarcasm- languages barely understood these days- in just ONE MONTH, right from your home! Now you can cook and re-decorate your home while learning a foreign language! You can be whoever you want to be! Just IMAGINE IT, AND IT WILL COME TO YOU. Learn with us! Make a small step towards a life full of HAPPINESS and KNOWLEDGE!